Ambassador program description.
First and Last Name*
Your Email*
City* State*
Instagram Handle*
Any other social handles or websites:
Which social media channels are you active on?
How many Instagram followers do you currently have?
How frequently do you post on social media? (not including stories)
What is your main riding discipline?
Do you own any other bikes?
What are your ride plans for 2021? We want to hear about any events, big cycling trips or goals you have for the year.
How do you engage with the riding community?
Are you on any teams or clubs?YesNo
If so, who are your sponsors?
Are you, or have been, an ambassador for any other brand(s)?YesNo
If so, which ones?
Tell us why you're stoked about Velo?
Is there anything else we should know?
As a Velo ambassador, we ask that you: post at least 2 pics featuring Velo products per month, while using the appropriate hashtags; showcase branded product whenever applicable; provide Velo with free-to-use assets regularly; and do not promote or publicly display logos / or recognizable product from Velo competitors. Will you agree to these terms?